Hayden Museum
Events & Programs 2024
June 15th- Elkhead Rock School Tour
July 13th -Mt. Harris Day/ Pioneer Picnic
Summer Kids History Hour -Thursdays (June 6- Aug 9) 10 am-11 am
Museum Scavenger hunt (all ages)
Sponsorship Opportunities.
The Hayden Heritage Center has over 50 years of connection to the community of Hayden Colorado. We see over 1000+ visitors per year. Our corporate sponsorship opportunities can elevate your brand and connect you with your audience while showing your commitment to your community
Your sponsorship with the Hayden Museum will provide support for the Museums ongoing work such as exhibits and events as well as educational programs while providing your business with recognition and a direct way to engage with your audience.
Choose from multiple customizable partnership levels.
*10% discount in gift shop
*newsletter listing of your business
*mention at live events

10% discount in gift shop
Newsletter listing
Your logo with link to your business page- business card size on the Museum web page
Mention at live events
your banner- you supply- at live events
your business brochure/ business card at Museum in local rack

All of the $75 level items plus:
*your business name listed on Museum web page with link to your page
*Your business name listed on the Museum's Annual Report

15% off Museum gift shop
All of the items listed in the $250 level
Mention on any radio ads as a sponsor
Business listed on a plaque in the Museum
two complimentary tickets to ticketed events