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Our Projects... 

The Museum currently has a number of projects going for which the community can be an important part of.  These are just a few that are ongoing....

Museum Expansion


The Museum  purchased the Denker lot adjacent to the Depot and we are preparing to do a much needed expansion.  This expansion includes the deconstruction and moving the Holderness Granary, an 1800 +sq ft  two story building built in 1910's out of square logs, to the museum property where it will be 'repurposed' to house the Museum's wagon collection, and other large items that are currently either stored off site or outside exposed to the weather.  It will also give us some stretching room allowing for new exhibits, space for community outreach education programs, and most importantly  adding much needed storage space for our evergrowing collection.  Please contact the museum if you are interested in volunteering or donating.


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Oral Interviews


The Museum would like to expand on its oral history collection and is constantly on the lookout for people to interview.  We have been nominated to be a partner with the Colorado Voice Preserve Project. Through a generous grant through Yampa Valley Caring Consumers we were able to purchase recording equipment to facilitate this project.  If you are interested or know of someone who is interested in being interviewed please call the museum at 970-276-4380. 

Pat Holderness Interview

Photo digitalization


This is an ongoing project where anyone can bring their old photos that are relevant to Northwest Colorado, and/ or people of Northwest Colorado to the museum where we will digitalize them.  Owners retain the original photo and get a copy of the digitalized images while the museum gets to keep a digital copy to store and use. This is a great way to preserve your family photos while sharing them with future generations.  The cost is FREE.  Please bring a thumb drive for your own copies.

Call the museum to make an appointment at 970-276-4380 or email us at

Ed & Bess Fulton ca 1910


2019 Completed Projects

Thank you to our community donors who have made these projects possible.....

Wait Room Restoration

The Museum is very proud to be the 2019 recipient for the Presidential Project for the Colorado Chapter of Quester's International. This project restored the beautiful hardwood floors in the Depot wait room.


Thanks to the generosity of Ace Hardware at the Curve and Heiner Construction in Hayden, we were able to repair the ceiling plaster and paint.

Collection Stewardship Project

Thanks to a grant from the Routt County Museum and Heritage Fund the Museum was able to purchase shelving and materials for a dedicated Collection Storage area. 

IMG_1313 (1).JPG

Depot Roof Repairs

Thanks to the Colorado State Historic Fund, the Town of Hayden, the Museum and Heritage Fund, and the former Glenwood Railroad Museum, and memberships the Museum was able to restore the Depots historic clay tile roof


Future projects include repointing the brickwork, regrading around the building, updating the heating system to an HVAC system, upgrading the 1910 electrical, replacing the aluminum storm windows upstairs with era appropriate storm windows, painting, refreshing the garden, work on the east courtyard......

© Hayden Heritage Center

Phone: (970)276-4380




physical address:

300 W. Pearl St

Hayden Co


mailing address:

PO Box 543

Hayden Co 81639

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