Welcome to the Hayden Heritage Center!
Located in the historic Moffat Railroad Depot Building since 1972, the Museum (established in 1964) has exhibits on local area history from cowboying and homesteading to coal mining and farming. Experience the authenticity of the homesteaders and the lives they carved out in this rugged corner of Northwest Colorado.
The Museum is home to the Leslie Memorial Research Library, a fantastic resource for research whether it is subject based or genealogical. We have numerous books on local and regional history, as well as various subjects including Railroad, Quarter Horse Collection, out of print books, unpublished manuscripts, family files as well as subject catalogue files and more! You can also access the Museum collection database and look at the Museums wonderful collection of photos at one of the two public computer stations (with internet access) in the research library, which is located conveniently on the first floor.
The Museum has a gift shop with books on local, regional and Colorado history, children's books and toys, as well as unique gifts!
Museum Hours
Fall/Winter hours starting August 26
Tuesday thru Thursday
11-5 pm
Kids History Hour on Demand
In order to be as flexible as possible we are doing our Kids History Hour on Demand. Give us a call to pick an activity and schedule! Groups welcome!
Activities Available:
Museum scavenger hunt
Museum Bingo
Dino Dig and Fossils
Pictographs and Petroglyphs
Rocks and Minerals
Hayden History- From Wagons to Rails
What is Genealogy?
Homestead Crafts: Simple weaving, rags to rugs...
The Museum is always looking for Volunteers. Please contact the Museum!
Face Masks available at the door
If you would like a Walking Tour of Historic Hayden, please give us a call at 970-276-4380 or
email us at haydenmuseum@zirkel.us. Please give us at least a weeks notice for this. Thank you!
Donations greatly appreciated!!!
Our events , programs and continued operations are due to the support of our Individual Members, Donors and Corporate/Business Sponsors!!
We Give a heartfelt "Thank You!" for your continued support!!!!

2023/24 Members & Donors
Armstrong, C.
Ashbaugh, C.
Barnes, B. & BJ
Barnes C.
Bonnifield, P & E.
Borg, M.
Butruille, S.
Copeland, K. & E.
Corbin, F.
Crawford, J.
Cusick, R.
Davis, J.
Dawson, L.
Dayhoff, Judith
Doolin, B.
Duran, R.
Dworsky, S.
Erickson, M.
Erwin- Nicks, C.
Faucett, D. & K.
Frentress, G.
Friederich Family
Frink, M.
Gibbons, E.
Gilroy, K.
Green, J.
Hannegan, B.
Hendy, C.
Hockett, D. & J.
Holly, D.
Howe, P.
Jost, T.& S.
Kennedy, C.
Kuchler, E.
Kuchler, P.
Lager, B. & D.
Lash, Ana & Shawn Field
Ledford, A.
Leslie, N.
Mackey, A.
Mendisco, M. & H.
Merrill, J.& N.
Mladinich, C.
Monger, D. & L.
Moon, C.
Montgomery, A.
Mucklow, CJ & N.
Murphy, M.
Paxton, Ana Del
Peckham, Nancy
Reed, S.
Romberg, B.
Rutherford, L.
Sanford, T. & R.
Semotan, J.
Shreeve, M.
Sikes, R.
Smith, M.
Sundberg, J. & B.
Thormand, A.
Valora, S.
Watson, L. & B.
Wattles, T. & R.
Wickenden, D.
Wilkinson, R. & D.
Winn, G.